"Noh" is what applied in early stages of Muromachi era and was materialized from the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties based on "en-nen" dance and "kusemai" dance and "sarugaku" dance and "den-gaku" dance of the Heian era.

"Noh" was completed by Kan-ami and Ze-ami.

"Noh" was loved by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and it was protected by him.

Then, "Noh" was protected by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

"Noh" was determined as the official celemonial music and dance of the Edo Tokugawa shogunate.

As for "Noh", it is being continued by protecting the present age many people.

This is the dancing figure of "Hagoromo" play which is one of the well-known "Noh" play.

The play is believed to be affiliated in every place in the world as the swan virgin legend.

The play is believed to be composed by Ze-ami.