In the last stage of Edo era, a white "kosode (=short-sleeved) kimono and a red "ohgoshi-bakama" trousers, a type of "naga-bakama" tropusers, which was attached with a special broad "koshi-himo (=waist string) string was worn.
The special dress which the high-class court lady had on only in the near sight of the Emperor.
Instead of the white "kosode (=short-sleeved kimono)", a dyed "iro-kosode" (=colored short-sleeved kimono) was worn in some cases.
The hair is done in the "chu-suberakashi" hairstyle which is commonly called "o-chu (=medium)".
The lady before marriage wore a dark-colored "hakama" trousers; the figure in the photo wears an original red "oh-bakama" trousers.