The figure in the photo wears the costume for traveling of the townspeoplein the Bunka-Bunsei period of Edo era.
He has on a "kappa", a raincoat, and a strapped pair of bundles slung over the shoulder; a "kosode", kimono with short sleeves, is rolled up to the hips; a "hakata-obi" belt, a "matahiki" pants, indigo-blue "kyahan" leg-covers, indigo-blue "tabi" socks, and "waraji" straw sandals are worn.
The "kappa" raincoat is a raincoat modeled on the Capa overcoat which the missionaries of Spain wore in the Momoyama era; it is called the"bohzu-gappa" (=monk's raincoat) and is also called a"hikimawashi" (=to pull and turn).
Inside the "kappa" coat, the "tohyu-gami" oilpaper made from paulownia is inserted.
Usually, the outer material is a dark blue product made from cloth, and has white bold pinstriped pattern.
Lining cloth attached the splashed pattern of cotton, and cloth of printing.