It has written as follows at "Samasuke Shozoku Sho (=costume collection)."
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The line of left of "kazami" of sleeves is in about 5 or 6 suns.
It is called "yudachi."
The preceding paragraph is the description about an error. The latter part is the right description.That is, front sewing line of the side of a left sleeve may be opened. On the other hand, the side of a right sleeve is opened and "kazami" currently drawn in "Senmen Shakyou (=fan paper lotus sutra)" is clearly different.
"Samasuke Shozoku Sho (=costume collection)" explained as follows.
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There are various opinions about "kazami." The lieutenant general of the
prime minister of bowman wears "go-sechi" (5)."
If this description about "kazami" is right, it is correct to open the side of the left sleeve.