In the Heian Era, the influence of the Japanese Buddhist temples increased with their Buddhistic country culture and aristocratization.

As the result, each temple came to organize armed priest team.

These priests team is called "sohei" (=monk soldiers) , such as the "Yamahoshi"army crops of Hieiza Enryakuji Temple or the" Narahoshi" army crops of Nara Kofukuji Temple.

There were three things for the retired Emperor Goshirakawa, a man in power, that did not become at his will: the dice of "sugoroku" the Japanese backgamon, the water of Kamo River, and "Yamahoshi," as an old saying goes.

The figure in the photograph is one of "sohei".

He wears a white "gojo-gesa," shoulder worn ornamental robe, and covers his head completely with a hood.

The hood is called "kato."

The vestment consists of a black "motsuke", a "sekitai (="ateobi" of court)", a white "kukuri-bakama and a white "habaki (=leg protector)"

He also wears a "domaru" armor, called "shita-haramaki," under the "mo-tsuki-koromo" garment.

He wears "ashida" clogs on foot and has a "naginata" halberd as well as a sword in "kawa-tsutsumi" case at the waist.

This robe with"mo" which varies by religious organizations and it is called a black semi-"soken" or simply "kuro no soken."

Moreover, "utsu-ho" resembles this style.

Moreover, in Nanto (=Southern Capitol), a monk soldier wore a "ju-e (=kasane)" with a "sogo-eri (=priest's ranking neckband)" neckband and a type of "kasane" "mo-tsuke-koromo" garment, made of linen dyed in black, with s"shita-gasane" of white linen.