As the result, each temple came to organize armed priest team.
These priests team is called "sohei" (=monk soldiers) , such as the "Yamahoshi"army crops of Hieiza Enryakuji Temple or the" Narahoshi" army crops of Nara Kofukuji Temple.
There were three things for the retired Emperor Goshirakawa, a man in power, that did not become at his will: the dice of "sugoroku" the Japanese backgamon, the water of Kamo River, and "Yamahoshi," as an old saying goes.
The figure in the photograph is one of "sohei".
He wears a white "gojo-gesa," shoulder worn ornamental robe, and covers his head completely with a hood.
The hood is called "kato."
The vestment consists of a black "motsuke", a "sekitai (="ateobi" of court)", a white "kukuri-bakama and a white "habaki (=leg protector)"
He also wears a "domaru" armor, called "shita-haramaki," under the "mo-tsuki-koromo" garment.
He wears "ashida" clogs on foot and has a "naginata" halberd as well as a sword in "kawa-tsutsumi" case at the waist.
This robe with"mo" which varies by religious organizations and it is called a black semi-"soken" or simply "kuro no soken."
Moreover, "utsu-ho" resembles this style.
Moreover, in Nanto (=Southern Capitol), a monk soldier wore a "ju-e (=kasane)" with a "sogo-eri (=priest's ranking neckband)" neckband and a type of "kasane" "mo-tsuke-koromo" garment, made of linen dyed in black, with s"shita-gasane" of white linen.