The figure in the photo is in the formal costume which the Emperor uses in the Imperial Household's usual practice or extraordinary ceremony.
Its color is the "kohrozen"the color of the Emperor's "hoh" garment.
The patterns are: a paulownia, a bamboo, a phoenix, a kirin.
The Emperor Saga defined the costume in the eleventh year of Kohjin period.
For the ceremony of accession to the throne, the dress of the chapter twelve of "konben", the Emperor's full dress, was used as a ceremonial costume until the time of Emperor Kohmei.
Since the time of Emperor Meiji and the"Korozen-no gohoh" have been used for the ceremony of accession to the throne of the Emperor.
Nowadays, the Emperor wears six kinds of the ceremonial costumes:the "Kohrozen-no gohoh",the"Gosaifuku" for a divine work,the "Ohiki-nohshi", the "O-nohshi",the "O-konohshi".
In the case of a Harvest Festival after an Emperor's enthronement, a vestment is used for the matter of "yuki" and the main "kiryoh-den" palace.
In usual practice religious service, it is used always only at the time of the Niname festival.
It is that day of the ceremony of accession to the throne.
It is used by the Emperor for the "Kashikodokoro Ohmae's ceremonies", and at the time when the Emperor's going from the "Tongu", the temporary royal palace, and to the "Kairyuden" palace.