Material related to costumes and the Costume Museum
The Costume Museum is selling books written and directed by the first director of the museum Izutsu Gafu. This invaluable collection of books provides detailed research into the period costumes of Japan.
| How to Order |
Life at Genji's Palace Rokujo-in (English CD-ROM)
This is an English CD-ROM from the visual book "Life at Genji's Palace
Rokujo-in" which has already been released, and is based upon a
Japanese novel written in the early 11th century. The main menu guides
you to 5 sections --- the explanation of The Tale of Genji, the life
style, costume, architecture and furnishings. Please enjoy seeing the
life of the nobility in ancient Japan.
- Price : ¥1.200(Japanese Yen)
- Postage : Free
- HYBRID CD-ROM for Mac OS 7.5.3 and Windows 95 DOS/V
Demonstration Download (for Win) 1,920Kbyte
Demonstration Download (for Mac) 1,954Kbyte
Minimum system requirements
- DOS/V or NEC PC-9821 series PC with Microsoft® Windows® 95
- CPU : PentiumTM 133 MHz or more
- Memory : 16 MB or more (24 MB or more is recommended)
- Hard Disk : 20 MB or more free disk space
- Monitor : 640X480 dots, 256 colors
- Double or more speed CD-ROM drive
- 16-bit sound card
- Power PC (TM) processor
- Mac Os 7.5.3 or later
- Memory : 24 MB or more
- Hard Disk : 20 MB or more free disk space
- Monitor : 640X480 dots, 32,000 colors
- Double or more speed CD-ROM drive
The Tale of Genji : The day of the Rokujyo-in (Japanese only)
The book introduces the scale model discussed here on this site. Explaining the exhibition, the book gives detailed information concerning the variety of culture of the Heian period along with many colorful pictures.Twenty views are selected from among the stories of The day of theRokujyo-in and made into chapters in the book.Each of the chapters goes into detail concerning the architecture, clothing, furniture, costumes, culture and similar themes represented in the story. The book makes it easy and fun to understand the life of the nobility during the Heian Period. The book also acts as a guide book to related historic sites allowing the reader to follow along with Genji throughout The Tale of Genji. Although the Costume Museum provides its
guests with a deep understanding of the Japanese culture from many viewpoints based in large part on its research into costumes and
their ornaments, this book provides even deeper insights. Be assured that the book's approach to the inter-relationships between the furniture, the architecture, the daily life, and the history of the Japanese people will
deepen your understanding. Please enjoy this book along with the museum.
Head Editor: Goshima Kuniharu
Editor: Costume Museum
Price: 3,450 yen (includes consumption tax)
Size: A4; 168 pages
Genshoku nihon fukushokushi (Japanese only)
Written by a leading authority on the history of Japanese costumes, this book provides the reader with detailed information concerning the changes in clothes and their accessories throughout the history of Japan. Filled with richly colored photographs and illustrations, this book will prove itself invaluable to the library of any person wishing to delve more into Japanese culture.
Author: Izutsu Gafu
Publisher: Korinsha Shuppan
Price: 33,000 yen (includes consumption tax)
Delivery: 1,300 yen
Size: A4 (295 x 220mm); 508 pages; 449 colored illustrations
Fukushoku no nagare (Slides) (Japanese only)
The contents of the Costume Museum have been placed on colored 35 millimeter slides, each of which has been provided with detail description and explanation along with definitions for special words.
Head Editor: Izutsu Gafu
Publisher: Korinsha Shuppan
Price: 38,000 yen (includes consumption tax)
Delivery: 1,300 yen
Contents: 288 color slides of 144 items (back and front); Booklet; Vinyl
bookcase cover
Nihon josei fukushokushi (Japanese only)
This 146-page book does an expert job on reviewing the history of clothing for Japanese women in an expert and authoritative way while still maintain ease of understanding.
Author: Izutsu Gafu
Publisher: Korinsha Shuppan
Price: 3,990 yen (includes consumption tax)
Delivery: 850 yen
Size: A4(200 x 200 mm); 146 pages; 72 colored illustrations/photographs
Yusoku-kojitsu kakezu Two Volumes (Japanese only)
This book provides detailed illustrations of the manners, official positions, laws, clothing, and costumes worn in the ancient nobility and samurai of Japan society. Wall-chart illustrations make these extremely suitable for educational material. Photographs show life-sized dolls dressed in restored clothing.
Head Editor: Izutsu Gafu
Publisher: Shin Nippon kyobun Co.,Ltd.
Price: 15,000 yen per Volume (includes consumption tax); There are two
Delivery: 1,000 yen
Size: 58 x 87 cm; 12 bindings per volume
How to Order Please either telephone or mail inquiries or orders to the following location.
Tel: 075-343-0001
Fax: 075-351-6947
Address: Costume Museum Secretariat
Aburanokoji Rokujo Agaru,Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto